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How Adobe Imageready Professionals Can Help You

Adobe ImageReady was designed for web development rather than effects-intensive photo manipulation. To that end, ImageReady has specialized features such as animated GIF creation, image compression optimization, image slicing, adding rollover effects, and HTML generation. Photoshop versions with which ImageReady was released have an "Edit in ImageReady" button that enables editing of image directly in ImageReady. ImageReady has strong resemblances to Photoshop; it can even use the same set of Photoshop filters. One set of tools that does not resemble the Photoshop tools, however, is the Image Map set of tools, indicated by a shape or arrow with a hand that varied depending upon the version. This toolbox has several features not found in Photoshop.

Adobe ImageReady is the original web development program and although it is a product that is no longer commonly used, it still provides a lot of use for your business. Being able to manipulate photos quickly and effectively is still a skill that many business need today. Adobe ImageReady is the perfect program to assist you with creating the photos that you wish to have edited and the program is even able to export to other adobe programs. To learn more on how to get adobe fireworks or more information on how it can help your business, feel free to ask anyone of our freelancers for hire at

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