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Hire Freelance Real Estate Virtual Assistants

A freelance real estate virtual assistant (VA) can provide a lot of value to your real estate business. Virtual assistants can handle a lot of administrative tasks and other standard real estate business operations, taking a lot out of your plate so you can focus on the core tasks of your business.

Guru is home to hundreds of freelance real estate virtual assistants to hire who are ready to help you grow your enterprise at cost-effective rates. You can search, hire, and manage virtual assistant jobs, including sending payments, right on the platform, making the hiring and working process more convenient! These qualified real estate professionals can be a valuable asset to your business.

What Is a Virtual Assistant for Real Estate?

A virtual assistant is a dedicated resource assigned to help you complete day-to-day office tasks related to your real estate business. These tasks include cold calling, lead generation, administration, website management, marketing, customer service, etc. 

Virtual assistants work remotely but offer a lot of skill and expertise to help you take care of the tedious jobs that keep your real estate operation running in the background. Depending on your virtual assistant budget and requirements, you can hire virtual assistants either on a part-time or full-time contract.

Why You Should Hire a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant can offer their expertise and help you tick off a lot of your real estate tasks at a cost investment that produces far greater business returns. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your real estate business:

Real Estate Expertise

Real estate virtual assistants are often niche, and so they possess the necessary industry skills and know-how to help you in the real estate market. Virtual assistants can perform a lot of different administration tasks while remaining focused on the real estate environment, so you can be sure that everything they accomplish is providing value to your business. An assistant is specialized in helping executives run their business.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

You can delegate more tedious daily tasks to real estate virtual assistants, increasing your efficiency and freeing you up some time to cater to bigger tasks (or even just to take some time to relax). Virtual assistants can be writers, office specialists, appointment management, create marketing materials, and do a variety of other tasks. Plus, if you hire a team of virtual assistants, you can keep your business operations up and running 24/7—even long after you’ve signed off.

Cost-Effective Work

Real estate virtual assistants are experts in their field, so you don’t need to worry about spending extra on training your virtual assistant for the field. Plus, with platforms like Guru, hiring becomes more affordable as you’ll only pay low fees for a fast process, saving you resources you would’ve otherwise spent for a traditional assistant hiring procedure. Guru also lets you choose from a variety of professional real estate virtual assistants at different price points, so you can work with a virtual assistant that fits your budget.

What a Virtual Assistant Can Do for Your Real Estate Business

A real estate virtual assistant can handle a wide range of virtual assistant tasks. Here are some responsibilities your personal assistant can fulfill to help you improve your real estate business:


A real estate virtual assistant can help you research any market or real estate industry information that’s relevant to your business, including property details, market and pricing trends, competitors’ business strategies, and real estate events.


Real estate virtual assistants can manage different aspects of your business, such as your business website, social media accounts, listings, client lists, etc. Virtual assistants can make sure that everything is up and running, and that you’re always up-to-date with all the screws tightened to keep your business in tip-top shape.


You can entrust a virtual assistant with administration and project management tasks, like bookkeeping, lead generation, sending emails, scheduling appointments, and organizing files, among others. Virtual assistance can help you stay on top of all administrative tasks.


A real estate virtual assistant can assist you in sales-related jobs, too. Virtual assistants can call clients, create marketing campaigns, execute social media promotions, and even design marketing materials for your business. If you have real estate agents, you can also have your personal virtual assistants help them gain new clients for your business.

Customer Service

Customer service is crucial for any business, even those in real estate. A real estate VA can help you handle customer-related communications and keep you on good terms with your clients. Virtual assistants can answer business FAQs, troubleshoot common problems, and even follow up on business leads and inquiries for your agents.

How Do You Hire a Commercial Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

Hiring a virtual real estate assistant for your business on Guru is very easy. But before you even get on the platform, you have to make a few preparations for the job. First, determine the type of virtual assistant you need, what work you need them to do, and how the dynamic will be. Think about your budget for assistant services, as well. 

Next, compile all of your requirements and create a virtual assistant job description. Once you have everything ready, go on Guru, then upload a job post with these details. Then, you can wait for interested virtual assistant applicants to send in an application or search for potential hires yourself. When you find a virtual assistant who fits the bill for all your office tasks, you can hire a virtual assistant in just a few steps. If you need a bit more convincing, you can invite the virtual assistant for an interview appointment or ask them a couple of questions.

Once you’ve found the right real estate virtual assistant for the job, you can employ them right on the platform and then set up the work there. You’ll be able to manage the tasks and send payments on Guru, making the whole job management process just as simple as the hiring procedure!

Tips for Hiring the Best Real Estate Virtual Assistant

To hire the best real estate virtual assistant, it’s important to iron out what you’re looking for from the get-go. This means creating a comprehensive list of criteria that the virtual assistant must fulfill and writing a descriptive job post that outlines the exact tasks you’re giving them.

You should also know where to hire your virtual assistant; Guru is the best place to look for a professional freelance real estate virtual assistant, because you’ll find qualified real estate experts who can do the job well.

Hire the Right Freelance Real Estate Virtual Assistant on Guru

Guru, a top online freelance marketplace, offers hundreds of qualified real estate VAs for you to choose from depending on the scope of your work and your budget. Find, hire, and manage the right freelance real estate virtual assistant for your business on Guru today!


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