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How Supply Chain Management Professionals Can Help You

Supply chain management involves the oversight and monitoring of all activities related to sourcing, production, product development, logistics, and information systems. It focuses on the flow of products, information, and finances between suppliers, wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. The purpose of conducting supply chain management activities is to process inventory accurately while managing finished goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption by the consumer. The objective or end goal of monitoring supply chain activities is to create and increase net value while building a competitive enterprise based on the measurement of supply and demand. Supply chain management usually takes an integrated approach to handling supply chain issues.

Supply chain management involves the oversight and monitoring of all activities related to sourcing, production, product development, logistics, and information systems. It focuses on the flow of products, information, and finances between suppliers, wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. The purpose of conducting supply chain management activities is to process inventory accurately while managing finished goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption by the consumer. The objective or end goal of monitoring supply chain activities is to create and increase net value while building a competitive enterprise based on the measurement of supply and demand. Supply chain management usually takes an integrated approach to handling supply chain issues.

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