Posted 27 Days Ago Job ID: 2086935 39 quotes received

Dynamic Website for a doctor

Fixed PriceUnder $250
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  Send before: June 12, 2024

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Programming & Development Web Development & Design

We are seeking a skilled freelance web developer/designer to create a dynamic and visually appealing website for a medical professional. As a doctor, I am looking for a website that not only showcases my services and expertise but also provides a seamless and engaging experience for visitors.

Project Overview:

Scope: Develop a custom, dynamic website tailored for a medical practice.

Design Requirements: Create an attractive and user-friendly interface with a modern look and feel.

Functionality: Implement necessary features like appointment enquiry, patient information, service details, and contact forms.

SEO Optimization: Ensure the website is optimized for search engines to enhance online visibility.

Key Responsibilities:

Design and develop a responsive website that functions well across various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).

Integrate necessary plugins or tools to enhance website functionality.

Provide ongoing support and maintenance post-launch if required.

Skills and Qualifications:

Proven experience in website development, especially in creating dynamic and interactive websites.

Proficiency in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and relevant frameworks.

Experience with content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or equivalent.

Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and responsive design.

Ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with clients to achieve desired outcomes.


A fully functional and responsive website meeting the outlined specifications.

Documentation and instructions for website management and updates.

Implementation of SEO best practices for improved search engine rankings.

Budget and Timeline:

Budget: Economical and competitive rates based on project complexity and scope.

Timeline: Completion within 15 days from project initiation.

How to Apply:

Interested freelancers are requested to:

Share their portfolio showcasing previous website projects, particularly those related to medical or healthcare sectors.

Provide examples of website templates or designs suitable for this project.

Outline their approach and strategy for developing an engaging and user-centric doctor's website.

We are looking for a freelancer who can combine technical expertise with creativity to deliver a high-quality website that reflects our professional brand. If you have the skills and experience for this project, we encourage you to apply and share your insights on how you can contribute to this exciting opportunity.

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Neetu N India