Posted 34 Days Ago Job ID: 2086500 39 quotes received

Excel Work Allocation Matrix Designer

Fixed Price$2.5k-$5k
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  Send before: June 19, 2024

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Excel Chart Re-Design for University Work Allocation System


We are looking for somebody to complete the development of an excel-based teaching allocation database for a relatively large university department (approx 100 teaching staff). We currently make use of an excel template that roughly cross-references university courses with teaching staff and allocated time commitments for specific tasks. This is quite a complex information array, however, with so many staff members and courses (approx. 120), especially where multiple staff members are co-teaching courses with different task responsibilities. 


While our current template achieves its desired information management purpose, in its present state its structure is relatively complex and not user-friendly or visually simple or appealing. We are looking for somebody to take the existing matrix and make it more user-friendly without losing any of its core functionality, as well as to create a  database mechanism for data input and updates to the chart, and reporting functions.


Work Tasks: 

- Redesigning an existing Excel matrix for teaching allocation to make it more user-friendly, flexible, and replicable.

- Designing from scratch an associated database template to be used to input data for the Excel matrix

- Meeting online with client (us) to review the existing model and understand needs, troubleshoot, etc..


Expected Duration:

- Approximately 70 hours of work 


Key Qualifications

- Extensive experience in developing excel worksheets

- An aesthetic sensibility for designing complex Excel charts in user-friendly formats.

- Expertise in converting client interests into manageable project designs.

- Demonstrated success in delivering project results to clients in a timely and efficient manner

- Good client relation skills in digital/online environments 

- Previous experience with designing workplace (especially academic) work allocation frameworks preferred but not essential.



- Aiming for work to be completed and delivered by the end of May 2024 (flexible).



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Michael L Netherlands