Posted 7 Days Ago Job ID: 2097890 12 quotes received


Hourly$3 - $51-10 hrs/wk6+ months
Quotes (12)  ·  Premium Quotes (0)  ·  Invited (0)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: December 05, 2024

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PLEASE read the JD, completely, thoroughly! ✔️✔️✔️

Do NOT use AI to answer this Job Posting (JD). Do NOT apply if you do NOT read the JD, comprehensively! To use AI will result in your application being eliminated!👎

You MUST communicate well in English; comprehension, spoken without any issues; ZERO exception!

You MUST be available in our EST time zone; especially AFTER 1400 hrs. EST up until 1700 hrs. EST! You MUST be familiar, and adjusted to work USA's EST time zone! You cannot be asleep or falling asleep during your service hours. We had to terminate a Freelancer; he would fall asleep while working or cancel because of sleep issues.

You MUST comprehend, respect, the REQUIREMENTS of the JD. When you do NOT accept or agree with our stipulations, no problem, please do NOT apply. It's OK!

COMPENSATION: USD3.00 - 5.00 per hour depending on your experience. We will determine your hourly Comp, after your Google Meet Interview, Screen. Yes. This is an hourly rate opportunity. The hourly rate range is FIXED; no changes. Your service will be utilized for not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) hours every other week. The precise hours are TBD. ON_GOING assignment! 


You will be an EXPERT, responsible for demonstrating, expressing, realizing your proficiency as a BRAND MANAGER; you MUST know the ins and outs of all the BEST performing Social Media platforms; completely. You MUST be able to communicate in English, effectively, your BRAND, MARKETING, and SALES competencies.

We REQUIRE the highly skilled professional in understanding Brand Marketing, Marketing, Sales. You MUST be a Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and all the money generating Social Media portals, EXPERT. You will be tested! We could ask for your References to authenticate your professional, successful capabilities. We wish to hire a Freelancer that has proven success operating in the space we REQUIRE service. 

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Angel E United States