Posted 23 Days Ago Job ID: 2093848 22 quotes received

Email Leads from Google Search by City

Fixed PriceUnder $250
Quotes (22)  ·  Premium Quotes (0)  ·  Invited (0)  ·  Hired (1)

  Send before: October 09, 2024

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Sales & Marketing Lead Generation & Customer Acquisition

Search Criteria (1): Business emails with more than 75 Employees (NO Franchises or satellite offices - example: I don't want a Statefarm insurance office with 4 employees - NO Schools/Colleges/Universities).

What is provided:

1) Name of a Senior Marketing Executive or Owner or Vice Preside of Marketing

2) Valid Email (invalid emails will not be paid for).

Aurora, Illinois - 500

Joliet, Illinois - 500

Naperville, Illinois - 500

Rockford, Illinois - 500

Elgin, Illinois - 500

Springfield, Illinois - 500

Peoria, Illinois - 500

Champaign, Illinois - 500

Chicago, Illinois - 6000 names (it is a giant city, start in best location and keep track of the search incase I want to order many more).

10,000 total names = $200 Dollars - find as many as you can that meet both criteria. If we need to search more we will do that after.

Please respond with a description showing you understand the project. A small sample of 5 names from the city of "Peoria, IL" must be provided to ensure the Guru understands the project.

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Jeff B United States