Posted 16 Days Ago Job ID: 2100898 24 quotes received

Flutter Setup & Compilation Engineer

Hourly$30 - $501-10 hrs/wk1-5 days
Quotes (24)  ·  Premium Quotes (4)  ·  Invited (0)  ·  Hired (1)

  Send before: March 02, 2025

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Role Overview
We are looking for a true expert in Flutter setup, iOS CocoaPods, and Android Kotlin integration to ensure proper installation and compilation of a Flutter project on both platforms.

This project has been running successfully for almost 4 years with multiple developers. If you believe the code is broken, this job is not for you. It is working and has been published on the App Store and Play Store.

Your job is to install, configure, and compile the code—nothing more, nothing less.

This is a surgical precision job requiring absolute expertise in setting up Flutter and native integrations. If you are not an expert, if you need someone to guide you, or if you need your mum to say you are an expert—this is not for you.

Key Responsibilities
- Install and set up the Flutter developer branch bug/API85+API127-sync
- Install and configure the Android Kotlin branch vis-android-fixes
- Install and configure CocoaPods with:
  - api_colors_visibility for iOS dependencies
  - Spec repository using the master branch
- Ensure proper compilation of the Flutter project on both Android and iOS
- Resolve any dependency or build-related issues for Android (Gradle) and iOS (CocoaPods)
- Validate that the app runs properly after installation
- Document the setup process for future reference

This has worked with multiple developers for almost 4 years.

- Must own an Apple Mac with M2 chip
- Must have compiled and set up multiple iOS projects successfully using Xcode and CocoaPods
- Hands-on experience with Flutter and Dart
- Strong knowledge of Android Gradle, Kotlin integration, and dependency management
- Proficiency in CocoaPods installation and troubleshooting for iOS
- Ability to debug and resolve build errors in Flutter, iOS, and Android environments
- Experience working with multiple branches in Git and handling version conflicts

Preferred Skills
- Familiarity with Xcode 14 provisioning profiles and iOS signing certificates
- Experience working with Android Studio and Gradle build configurations
- Strong troubleshooting skills for Flutter plugin compatibility issues
- Ability to document installation and troubleshooting steps clearly

What We Do NOT Want
- Excuses—the code is working, your job is to install and compile it.
- Blame-shifting—if you claim "the code is wrong," you are wrong.
- Beginners or juniors—this is for experts only.

How to Apply
If you have experience setting up Flutter projects with iOS (CocoaPods) and Android (Kotlin), and have successfully compiled and debugged builds, apply now.

This is not a development job. Your task is simple: install, configure, and compile the project correctly.You may be asked to correct some code if it is not working.

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James L United Kingdom