Posted 18 Days Ago Job ID: 2100775 29 quotes received

Need Cold Caller

Hourly$6 - $830+ hrs/wk3-6 months
Quotes (29)  ·  Premium Quotes (0)  ·  Invited (0)  ·  Hired (0)

  Send before: February 28, 2025

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I am a franchisor. I have a list of over 10,000 immigration attornies.

I am cold emailing the attornies to offer them our franchise. Our franchise helps support an E2 Visa application.

I need someone to be calling these attornies every day. This will be a position whereby you'll work 160 hours a month. We expect the position to last 3-6 months.

There is a base pay of $6 per hour, plus $12 for every appointment booked for them to speak with our CEO, and then an additional $120 bonus if that meeting leads to a franchise sale.

We will train you on how to call these attornies and "pitch" to them.

We prefer someone with a British accent.

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Jamie G United States