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solving problem with calculation, python

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Programming & Development Programming & Software

Dear Sirs,

I need help with replication of calculation of ATC ( avaliable transfer capacity ) values. The values are public and even the step-by-step process with detailed math is public but I am unable to replicate that calculation with same results.

This is brief description of the process, we are interested in IDCCb calculation :

This is in detail process how values are calculacted in Article 20 :

This document describe in detail how all values for every aspect of calculation in calculated.

But we have starting point from "Final Domain" ( presolved = TRUE ) which is precalculated and we need only use values PTDF and RAM for every CNEC.

There are two ways of ATC calculation ( page 31 ) if RAM is negative or if RAM  is positive for every CNEC ( page 31 ).

Result values are here, for every date and very hour :

Entry values as Final domain is here, for every date and very hour  :

Values that are added to final ATC value from previous calculation IDCCa are here :

They even have an API that can return any values from IDCCa,IDCCb or final domain, in JSON format :

For example ( this hour  for simplicity do not have negative RAM ) :

Date 13.01.2025, hour 2:00 to 3:00 :

IDCCa result are "Final values IDCCa.png"


Entry values to calculation are from final domain RAM, PTDF "Final domain for IDCCb calculation.png"

From this values the pre-final ATC values are calculated, negative or positive.

After calculation, pre-final ATC values are sumed with leftovers after IDCCa and final ATC values are show "Final values IDCCb.png" for every border.

‘PTDF’ or ‘𝑃𝑇𝐷𝐹’ means a power transfer distribution factor;

'CNE’ means a critical network element;

I need explanation how it is calculated. I tried something but results are not the same.

As second I need python script that will be able to download Final Domain from JAO API and other if needed values and will return exactly same ATC values as they have as result of IDCCb calculation.

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Martin B Slovakia