Do you know the Arab community was 379,028,461 users !! yes it's a huge number ,so you must make connection with them. Each post i will make: 1) will be with free-rights photo and i make some changes with photoshop. 2) will reply to comments in Arabic language. 3) send feedback to you. 4) if your page sells something, i will send sales to you with information (if any customer want to buy). Why me ? -I'll study your product well to ask any question about it and i will be your "spokesman" or "customer service" . - I'm a salesman so i will handle your customer's objections and make deals. - I studied marketing and SEO, so i will make strategy not only tactics. How can we start? contact with me now and feel free to ask any question If you have more that 2 accounts or need longer periods , contact me to make special offer :)