We are passionate freelancer.Our main profession is web-scraping by creating bots/softwares, writing EAs using MQL4/5 and other java/php development,website development, image editing,product uploading,develop eCommerce store, data entry works.We automate every task that can be done on the internet.We deal in : 1. Web scraping2. Data extraction 3. Web Crawler4. JSP/Servlets5. Jquery/Ajax6. Struts27. MySQL8. Hibernate9. HtmlUnit, Selenium10. XML, XPath11. PHP 12. Magento13. MQL4/5 14.C/C++15.WordPress16.Joomla 17. Data entry18. Graphics Designing19. Html 4/520. PhotoshopBot Demos : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB61A22F39688362&feature=view_all