i am a part-time web developer! full time computer engineering student, in my senior year finally! i had four years of college learning programming languages such as java, javaScript computer graphics and c#, however i loved JavaSript and used it to build many projects.
i buitl many projects for school, howerver building websites was the most fun! so i decided to start my career as a freelancer in the field of web development.
this year i had the awesome chance to be a participant in the FWD scholarship which offers a Nano degree from Udacity in web development!
therefore i am totally capable of giving you the service you demand by spending decent time to build a great design while using the latest programming techniques as ES6 and asynchronous JavaScript to build the code!
as an engineer i also studied and had experiences with computer graphics!
so you can demand that service too.
i also have some experience with WordPress!
thank you for taking the time to read this, and i hope to work with you very soon!