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  • AI Chatbot
  • App & Mobile Programming
  • Data Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Django
  • Game Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Mobile App Marketing
  • Modeling
  • Python
  • Python 3
  • Software Development
  • SQL


  • Machine learning || Ai || Data analyst

    $40/hr Starting at $95 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello! I'm [Aftab Ahmed], a passionate Python developer with a solid background in machine learning and data analysis. I honed my Python skills during my training at [STP ,Etech] in Gilgit-Baltistan,...

    AI ChatbotApp & Mobile ProgrammingData AnalysisDeep LearningDjango


Craft, Code, Conquer.

Aftab Alam, and I am a passionate developer and data enthusiast specializing in Python development, machine learning, data analytics, deep learning, and AI. I embarked on this exciting journey on July 2, 2022, driven by a deep curiosity to understand the world around us through data and algorithms.
Python Development: I am proficient in Python programming, the go-to language for data science and AI. I can build and deploy robust applications, automate tasks, and create powerful data pipelines.
Machine Learning: I am adept at various machine learning techniques, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. I can develop and implement algorithms to solve complex problems in various domains like finance, healthcare, and marketing.
Data Analytics: I am skilled in collecting, cleaning, and analyzing large datasets. I can extract meaningful insights and patterns from data using various statistical techniques and visualization tools.
Deep Learning: I am actively learning and exploring the world of deep learning, which involves building complex artificial neural networks to solve complex problems. I am particularly interested in applications of deep learning in areas like computer vision and natural language processing.
AI: My passion lies in understanding the potential of artificial intelligence to transform the world. I am constantly researching and experimenting with different AI techniques to find innovative solutions to real-world challenges

Work Terms

Completed the "Python for Data Science and Machine Learning" course on Coursera.
Developed a web application using Python and Django for customer sentiment analysis.
Participated in a hackathon and won the "Best Machine Learning Project" award.

Payment Methods:

Guru Account

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