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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • Denis 114 · Sep 29, 2020

    Great guy to work with. Fantastic job, easy to communicate and work with, very conscious. I'd hire him again in a minute!

    for E Book

  • Denis 114 · Sep 10, 2020

    Hi Ben, I've gone ahead with the payment. I really appreciate the work and your communication. I havent had a chance to proof the material, I didnt want to stop your momentum or make you wait. Did we include things a loved one or partner can do to facilitate communication with a loved one? If not I'd like to include it. Do you have a suggestion for illustartions etc, cover of the book. I dont believe you do graphic art, correct? This has been a life long goal of mine and I really appreciate your help. Cheers, Denis

    for E Book