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  • Quote

    “Thanks so much, Brandon!! Your presentation was GREAT – I've received lots of positive feedback.! We really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and insight in the design+programming industry!

    Nancy Granberry, Image Consultant, Nordstroms

  • Quote

    “Knowledge Base Media exceeded all of our expectations. We had a short deadline and fairly complicated needs. They delivered on-time and within budget plus they took all of needs into account when designing the site. It looks fantastic and is functional for our varied users. Brandon was a pleasure t

    o work with. He became one of the team like he has been here since our companies inception. We recommend them fully.”

     ...Read More

    Frank Baker - Owner, Creative Equations

  • Quote

    "After successfully building and growing our business tremendously over the years using only web marketing, we felt we had reached our limit. We found ourselves at a point where we needed fresh ideas and new perspectives that will further our brand exposure and increase our lead generation. After ex

    amining a number of marketing companies we found Knowledge Base Media was the perfect fit for our company. Brandon brings a personal touch with deep focus on brand development and lead generation."

     ...Read More

    Anthony Ray - President , Mirror Image