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    “Cecilia is an efficient writer who is able to get a point across clearly and concisely. She produces well-organized copy that always strikes the appropriate tone, and she provides thoughtful, constructive feedback when editing others. You can depend on her as an effective communicator.”

    Jillian S., Editor, NBC News

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    “Cecilia’s expertise at reviewing government funding requests is unparalleled. This kind of keen insight is only acquired after years of developing proposals.”

    Jim W., U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center

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    “Cecilia single-handedly increased and expanded the Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program to the strongest and most robust levels in its 20-year history.”

    William M., U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Com.

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    "Cecilia provides mission-driven leadership that propels projects toward success. Any agency or department can build their franchise around this kind of specialized support. ”

    Lucius M., Federal Grants Manager