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    Your independence. I’ve never known you to do or say anything you did not genuinely feel or believe. You’ve always inspired me with your ability to follow your own path, even when you had no idea where the road was taking you; be it your career, your spirituality, your family, etc etc.

    Sandra Johnson

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    You make me want to reconnect with the part of me that “knows” how to survive out in the wilderness. As if I could throw on a backpack and just go. I get that just from being in your presence and it makes me know that I can (somehow). I personally have VERY limited knowledge of how to do this, but I

    feel like it is my birthright because I was born into this world on purpose — so I’m supposed to be able to survive and thrive here. You don’t have to teach me how to have confidence…I somehow “know” I have confidence when I talk to you. You re-connect me to the Truth about myself.

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    MJ Impastato

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    Cedric delivered the [content] on time and well formatted. Attention to detail and on target. Good working with him!

    Mark L

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    The thing I value most is your readiness to engage; your relentless, proactive pursuit of better solutions. You always go for very concrete, achievable solutions that can be implemented more or less immediately. You're just a very reliable and measurable force for good in the world, at the end of th

    e day.

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    Spencer Campbell

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    Helpful. Creative. Connected. Meet my friend Cedric. I recently had a design project for a tiny house. Without his input I’d probably still be scratching my head trying to figure out where the shoes should live. He spent hours, literally hours, holding my hand (virtually) through all sorts of ideas,

    plans, modifications, you name it. But that’s a great example of Cedric’s giving nature. He had a skill/knowledge that I could benefit from, and he was very quick to see my needs, before I knew what they were and offer guidance. He listened to my desires, made suggestions, and put a plan together. The process was very telling to me of how he approaches his coaching, life, and other ventures. Love and acceptance first, dig deep for options and direction second, well thought out plan and execution third.

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    Andi Burdick

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    Cedric’s perspective and insight easily draws you back to your own nature. Talking through my “stuff” with him made me focus back to the roots of what’s important to me. I was amazed at how quick and natural working through things with Cedric went.

    Stewart Snyder