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  • Interior Design
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  • thiết kế nội thất- kiến trúc

    $72/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Khám phá bản chất của thiết kế tinh tế với các dịch vụ thiết kế kiến ​​trúc và nội thất của chúng tôi. Bằng cách sử dụng nhiều loại phần mềm, chúng tôi biến tầm nhìn của bạn thành hiện thực bằng các kết...

    3D Animation3D Interior Design3D Rendering3ds Max ModellingArchitects


"Your Dreams, Our Passion - Crafting Spaces, Building Memories."

Hello, I'm Chin!

That's a very impressive introduction! You've clearly highlighted your experience and achievements in the field of interior design. Your mission is profound, aiming to create living spaces that are not only visually appealing but also reflect the uniqueness and personality of each family.

The integration of your passion for design with interests in music and fashion is also a fascinating highlight, demonstrating the multidimensional and creative approach to your work.

With your experience and dedication, I'm sure you'll continue to make a significant impact in this field. Looking forward to collaborating and sharing experiences with you!

Work Terms

1.Project Scope: Clearly define the specific scope of work that the designer will undertake, including services, deliverables, and timelines.
2.Copyright and Intellectual Property: Specify the intellectual property rights of the design and whether the client has freedom to use it.
3.Payment: Clearly outline payment terms, including payment schedule and method.
Service Fees: Define the fee structure for design services, including consultation fees, design fees, and other related charges.
4.Changes and Adjustments: Regulations regarding changes or adjustments to the scope of work and service fees during the project.
5.Information Security: Ensure the security and confidentiality of client and design project information.
6.Acceptance of Work: Terms regarding acceptance of work and final payment upon completion.
7.Contract Termination: Provisions for contract termination and conditions related to termination.

These terms can be adjusted or expanded to fit the specific needs and conditions of each project and party involved.

Attachments (Click to Preview)