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Total Feedback Received: 3

  • Nick 624 · May 13, 2020

    Responsive and innovative. Thank you

    for Polish a Simple Product Graphic

  • Phoebe 12 · Jul 13, 2019

    It is my great pleasure to write this testimonial for Eszter. I've had the pleasure of viewing her professional development, and can state with confidence that she is a motivated and responsible person with a high degree of integrity. Her response to my emails is superfast and she is known for her quick turnaround. I'm very happy to be working with her and will continue to work with her.

    for Norwegian Audio Recording (very simple)

  • Phoebe 12 · May 31, 2019

    It is my great pleasure to write this testimonial for Eszter. I've had the pleasure of viewing her professional development, and can state with confidence that she is a motivated and responsible person with a high degree of integrity. Her response to my emails is superfast and she is known for her quick turnaround. I'm very happy to be working with her and will continue to work with her.

    for Norwegian Audio Recording (very simple)