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    “Graeme's strength is that he gets consumer behavior, he gets brand values, and he understands story telling. When working with Graeme, I shared relatively little, but he came back with what I said as the seed of something he had grown into a living breathing idea, that made me want to use it. There

    are few things more enjoyable than someone taking your thinking and adding a sprinkle of magic and some deep behavioral and technological know how, to make it real. And better."

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    Ben Abramowitz

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    "A can-do attitude to any challenge underpinned by a work ethic that pays great attention to detail and craft. Besides adding an interesting edge to anything he touches, there is an incredible sense of pride in the work which means that no job is just a job."

    Rui Alves

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    "The thing that stood out for me is the "never say never" attitude, and willingness to always go above and beyond for clients. This, coupled with extraordinary levels of creativity and the hands-on ability to implement creative ideas on time and within budget, makes him a formidable force in the mar

    ket segment.

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    Nolan Vernon

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    "No matter how ridiculous or daunting my challenge to Graeme, it's never a ‘no’ but always an ‘okay crazy guy, we'll find a way.’”

    Aviv Weil

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    "I can honestly say there are few designers that I have worked with who put so much love into their work - and it shows. Graeme loves a challenge and innovation. A native tech and animation freak, He is also that rare breed of partner who actually take full ownership of the project, the problem and

    the process. He has a habit of making your problems his – which, while it may not be good for work/life balance – is inevitably good for the final product and are an absolute pleasure to work with."

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    Jonathan Beggs