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  • Patent
  • Patent Search
  • Search Engine


  • Infringement, Invalidation Analysis

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have experience in following services Infringement, Invalidation and Freedom to Operate Analysis. I worked on following technologies :- MOSFET, 5G network, Artificial Intelligence etc.

    PatentPatent SearchSearch Engine


Infringement, Claim Charts, Prior Art & patent search, FTO Search

I provide the services in following ways:-

1. Patent search and analytic skills such as patentability assessment / validity/invalidity studies / FTO analysis / technology landscaping/Infringement Search & Analysis/Claim Charts or Evidence of Use Charts.

2. Excellent understanding of patent classifications, database, search tools and methodologies.

3. Excellent understanding of US, EP and India patenting systems

4. Good experience in patent searches, drafting, infringement analysis and claim charting.

5. Work closely with the technology to find out technology gaps, to assess market competition and to help technology management.

6. Providing insightful analysis of search results from various sources by preparing and delivering timely, value-added patent search reports based on in-house established patent search protocols

7. Attending to Examination reports and Office Actions by giving technical arguments (written & verbal) and attending hearings at the Indian Patent Office (in case of registered patent agents)

8. Providing insightful analysis of search results from various sources by preparing and delivering timely, value-added patent search reports based on in-house established patent search protocols

9. Assisting in Patent Oppositions and providing technical support to the litigation team through research and analysis of recent cases etc.

10. Creating initial understanding of the invention, creating search strategies, executing search strategies

11. Extracting and evaluating search results, culling, report formation, mapping and result evaluation, rejection summary and charts