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Total Feedback Received: 3

  • Ryan 516 · Feb 11, 2018

    Indukumar Bhayani is a very exceptional and skilled professional whom I would highly recommend. He has quickly taken on my project independently and has been able to expand upon it as well as suggest many great improvements. Aside from his ability to program, Mr. Bhayani is highly professional with daily updates, skype reports, and responds quickly to messages as well as any changes to the project. He has been a joy to work with.

    for Monitor url for sale & place purchase

  • Ryan 516 · Feb 06, 2018

    It is always a pleasure to work with Mr. Bhayani. His professionalism and ability to move projects forward is at the top of it’s class. He is a very capable and independent programmer who will even help make suggestions to truly help bring the project to light. I’d like to thank him for his hard work and recommend him to anyone else who is interested in hiring an exceptional programmer.

    for Monitor url for sale & place purchase

  • Ryan 516 · Jan 24, 2018

    Mr. Bhayani is an exceptionally professional, self-driven, and a very capable programmer. He has moved forward on my project in a very timely manner with little direction. It has been a delight working with him and I look forward to continuing with him in the future. I would highly recommend him to anyone who might be interested.

    for Monitor url for sale & place purchase