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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • Deana 1 · Nov 10, 2023

    Ivan's graphic illustration was amazing! Thank you for the creativity and design. First time working with Ivan and I will be re-hiring. 110% recommendation.

    for Graffiti

  • Robert 1499 · May 17, 2021

    This is so DOPE Ivan! We must connect on all levels I have much work for you! I also wanted to leave you a tip but this program did not allow for one through the payment process. I thought there would be an option. We will have to figure that out because you deserve a tip for this work! I also like to hear more about your time here in Boston! When we have our clothing in distribution (mid-summer) I'd like to send you some pieces as well! Robert Everett Email: WhatsApp: +17819137025 C/o Box Total

    for Graffiti character