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  • API Development
  • Laravel
  • AngularJS
  • MySQL
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Team Management


  • Laravel Expert

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a Laravel expert backed with 4+ years of real-world experience developing great Laravel applications. I specialize in back-end development and software architecture and having familiarity with each...

    AngularJSAPI DevelopmentLaravelMySQLRequirements Analysis


Laravel Expert/Full Stack Developer


1. Always Deliver More Than Expected.
2. Strictly bite only what I can chew!.

Over 7+ years production experience with full stack skills (including databases, devops, frontend & backend) & in overall process (delivering, management, test techniques, etc). For those 7+ years I have worked with php, javascript, Angular JS, node.js, mysql, mongodb, html5 and a tons of API's, frameworks and apps. I have professional expertise in web designing, web development, web applications, RESTFULL API's and website maintenance.

PHP, Mysql, Angular Js, JavaScript, jQuery, AWS s3, AWS ses, AWS ec2, AWS dynamodb.

Framework and CMS:
Laravel, Cake PHP, Zend Framework, Codeigniter, YII, Symfony, Wordpress.

Payment Gateways:
Paypal Payment Gateway, CC Avenue Payment Gateway, EBS Payment Gateway.

Version control: - Git / Github / Bitbucket / GitLab - Svn

Hire me since I am authentic full time freelancer.
- My pet does not die, I don’t fall sick, my internet is never down and my grandma is never in hospital.
- A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

Kind Regards,

Work Terms

40+hr / Week Available