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  • Asterisk
  • Django
  • Joomla
  • Laravel
  • Magento
  • Mean Stack
  • PBX
  • Python
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Shopify Development
  • WordPress


  • MEAN Stack, Laravel, Ruby on Rails Ninja

    $35/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Who is Liu? He has a career experience leading the team and helping a lot of startup companies. Why he is a senior developer? He based on Robert Martin's Clean Code principles and knows how write code...



MEAN Stack solutions, Laravel Framework, Ruby on Rails, Python Django, React/Redux, Wordpress, Joomla, Magent, Shopify Senior Developer.

Who is Jason?
He has a career experience leading the team and helping a lot of startup companies.
Why he is a senior developer?
He based on Robert Martin's Clean Code principles and knows how write code that's readable and maintainable by others.
Does he can work here on GoLance site?
Yes, he does. Although he newly started here but will become the best freelancer in a short time and will help so many clients.
Over the last 8 years, I have developed a wide range of websites using MEAN Stack, Laravel framework, Ruby on Rails, Python Django, Responsive Design and MySQL including sites for startup companies and small businesses.
My core competency lies in complete end-end management of a new website development project, and I am seeking opportunities to build websites from the ground up for you or your business.
I also have some experience in the following areas:
1. Front End and Responsive Relation
- Bootstrap, Foundation, Ruby, AngularJS/Angular 2, Compass, Grunt, LESS and SASS
- Pixel Perfect responsive with breakpoints
- Fixing Site Mobility Issues
2. Wordpress Relation.
- PSDs to Wordpress
- Creating custom theme and Customizing Themes(Avada, X, Enfold, Bridge, Salient, The7, Brooklyn, Job Board and Real Estate)
- ACF(Advanced Custom Field), CPT(Custom Post Type), WPML(Wordpress Multi language), WPMU(Wordpress Multisite) and Social Stream
- Handling child theme
- Optimizepress, Thesis and Genesis
- Visual composer and some builders
3. SEO and Google Analysis Relation
- Optimizing and Speed Up(GTmetrix, Google Insight Speed and Pingdom)
- Web Master Tools / Google Analysis
- Submit sitemaps
- Redirecting with .htaccess file
- Select target country in Google Console
- Fixing and removing 404 issues
- Updating robot.txt and htaccess
- Adding Ghost Spam Filter
4. Others
- Github and Bitbucket
- Jira, Asana, Basecamp, Trello and Slack
- Magento, Shopify, Wocommerce, Ecommerce and Bigcommerce
- Photoshop and Illustrator
- Hubspot and google APIs

Work Terms

I can work over 40 Hours per week.
Full time available and Full time response.
Very Flexible working time.