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  • Competitive Pricing
  • Environmental Industry
  • Machine Learning
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Woodworking


  • Miniature Gazebo

    $5/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We can build just about anything out of wood, we just need the size and style you want and we'll get the final product to you in days. Our work includes beautiful miniature gazebos, toilet paper holders,...

    Competitive PricingEnvironmental IndustryMachine LearningMathematical ModelingWoodworking


We can build just about anything out of wood, we just need the size and style you want and we'll get the final product to you in days. Our work includes beautiful miniature gazebos, toilet paper holders, and much more. Our services are far from limited, we have enough experience in the department to make about anything you request from scratch start to finish. We also do include stain and polishing with each project so it will look its best when you get it. We also offer package pricing if you would like to buy multiple projects so don't be afraid to ask!

Work Terms

We just need the size and style of the project you want done in order to be able to complete it. If we have any further questions we'll ask as they arise.

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