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  • CodeIgniter
  • Laravel
  • PHP
  • Web Development


  • Senior Codeigniter/Laravel Developer

    $8/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a highly results driven professional with 4+ years collective experience in the arenas of web application development specially in laravel, codeigniter and web application development in php. My...

    CodeIgniterLaravelPHPWeb Development


Deliver a high quality result within time

I am a highly results driven professional with 4+ years collective experience in the arenas of web application development specially in laravel, native android application development in java and desktop application development in dot net framework.

My aim is to deliver quality work/services as promptly and accurately as possible, so that clients are satisfied the 1st time around. Attention to detail is my strongest asset in any working process and I am always open to feedback or input throughout a project. This, coupled with my work experience has equipped me to take on many types of work, which reflect in my portfolio below. Overall, I'm interested in opportunities that engage my core competencies and passions, while helping others to attain excellence.

Work Terms

We use following technologies to accomplish our tasks.

1. Asana, Atlassian JIRA, and Trello to manage issues and assign tasks in a team
2. Gitlab and Bitbucket to manage and share repositories in a team using git
3. Composer to manage dependencies in our laravel projects
4. PSR-4 Compatible Existing Class Conversion
5. MySQL Database Design
6. Class method chaining and binding
7. Cleanly implementing business logic requirements and rules to transactions.
8. Caching and Centralized Configuration Classes
9. Driver-based design pattern allowing for different storage / cache and session
10. MySQL, Git, Twitter / YouTube/Facebook API, Secure File Upload / Storage,
PayPal / Stripe Payment Processor API (PayPal Pay Flow Pro, PayPal Express
PayPal Third Party Checkout,, Google Maps/ Place API
11. JQuery Image Cropping and scaling tool
12. Angular(MVVM), VueJs and jQuery are structural JavaScript frameworks for
front-end dynamic applications
13. Direct communication with client’s for job management
14. MateralizeCSS, Material Design and bootstrap as a CSS frameworks
15. Tools Used: PhpStorm, MySql Workbench, Navicat, Sublime Text, Git bash,
xammp server. P