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  • Elementary Education
  • High School Teacher
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  • Mathematics
  • SAT Tutor
  • Tutoring


  • Elementary maths tutor

    $13/hr Starting at $380 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have taught my students elementary maths for 8 years with logic and concepts. I have a firm grip on maths. I deliver the maths topics in a friendly environment. I have hundreds of successful students...

    Elementary EducationHigh School TeacherHomeschool TeacherMathematicsSAT Tutor


My profession is teaching mathematics. I have been teaching mathematics for eight years. Now, I am available to share my knowledge and teaching expertise online.

I believe that an effective math teacher is well-versed in the field and has had formal training in a number of mathematical disciplines, including algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. The instructor needs to be knowledgeable about the new subjects that the various educational boards are introducing as well as keep up with changes to the Math curriculum.
I have taught hundreds of students. Teaching mathematics is my passion. Most of my students get A+ grades because I also teach my students with the concepts in a friendly environment. So, feel free for further discussion and get started.

Work Terms

payments can be made by bank transfer or Payoneer. Monthly fees $600