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  • SEO Expert

    $20/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Welcome to Munna Hossain's Freelance Marketplace! With over 9 years of dedicated expertise in the dynamic field of SEO, I bring unparalleled proficiency and insight to propel your online presence to new...

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Grow Your Business with a Proven SEO Expert - Munna Hossain, Especially in Local SEO, Technical SEO, On-page SEO, and Off-page SEO

For the past nine years, I've immersed myself in the ever-evolving realm of SEO, navigating its complexities with unwavering dedication and a hunger for knowledge. My journey began in 2015, when I took my first steps into the digital landscape, armed with a passion for unlocking the secrets behind search engine algorithms.

With each project I undertook, whether it was optimizing content for a fledgling startup or revamping the online presence of an established enterprise, I delved deeper into the intricacies of SEO, continually refining my techniques and strategies. Along the way, I encountered challenges that tested my skills and creativity, but with perseverance and adaptability, I overcame each hurdle, emerging stronger and more adept than before.

Over the years, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of SEO, witnessing websites catapult from obscurity to prominence, thanks to strategic optimization and targeted outreach. This journey has been a continuous learning experience, marked by countless hours of research, experimentation, and collaboration with clients and colleagues alike.

Today, as I reflect on my journey as an SEO expert, I am filled with a sense of pride and gratitude for the opportunities I've had to make a meaningful impact in the digital realm. With each passing year, my passion for SEO only grows stronger, driving me to stay at the forefront of industry trends and innovations, ensuring that my clients receive nothing but the best in terms of expertise and results.

Work Terms

Hours of Operation: I am available for consultation and project work during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (UTC+0). However, I understand the importance of flexibility and can accommodate adjustments to these hours as necessary to meet project deadlines or address urgent matters.

Payment Terms: For project-based work, I typically require a deposit upfront, with the remainder of the payment due upon completion and delivery of the agreed-upon deliverables. For ongoing or retainer-based arrangements, invoices will be issued on a mutually agreed-upon schedule, with payment due within 15 days of receipt. I accept payments via secure online platforms, such as PayPal or bank transfer.

Communication Style: Clear and open communication is essential for the success of any project. I prefer to establish a primary mode of communication upfront, whether it's email, phone calls, or video conferences, to ensure seamless collaboration and prompt resolution of any issues or questions that may arise. Additionally, I am always accessible via instant messaging platforms for quick updates or inquiries.

Project Management Tools: To streamline our collaboration and keep track of project progress, I am proficient in using various project management tools, such as Asana, Trello, or Slack. These platforms allow for efficient task assignment, progress tracking, and communication, ensuring that everyone involved in the project remains on the same page and deadlines are met effectively.

Revision and Feedback: I value client feedback and strive to deliver work that exceeds expectations. As such, I am open to revisions and adjustments to the deliverables as needed to ensure satisfaction. Clear feedback is appreciated, and I will work diligently to incorporate any requested changes in a timely manner.