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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • gunjan 6 · Jun 09, 2016

    Offshorent helped me with development of my website. I cant say good things enough for the firm. I want to specially call out Sreekanth - the project manager and Jinesh - the developer. Sree was always there to communicate, understood my requirements, made sure i was kept updated and effectively translated between my requirements and his developer. Jinesh knows WP/Woo, he could solve any problems we faced. Thanks guys for helping me,

    for Development for a travel marketplace

  • mark_shawzin · Feb 06, 2014

    Paul did all the required work in a timely fashion. Would recommend this provider.

    for Need Expert in Responsive Web Design


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    I am pleased with the quality provided by Offshorent, the turn-around time is very quick. I look forward to working with Offshorent again

    CEO, A Creative Agency, Romania.

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    We are using Offshorent as a means of expanding our services and products across the country and across multiple industries. We could never have achieved this level of expansion if we “did business as usual”. To date, we have validated at least a 50% cost reduction in software development, an increa

    se in revenues by 20%, an entry into one new market while still increasing our local, US based staff. Offshorent has become “our second shift” by providing our evening requirements the next morning without missing a beat. If you are looking to leverage your existing operations, talk to Offshorent.

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    President, An e-Learning Software Company, King of

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    Thank you so much for your service and support over the last year, we have been pleased with your team, your advice and our overall results. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate getting the combination of IT costs under control along with your personal service to us. It has been a real difference

    maker for us and has helped guide many of our technology decisions over the last year.

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    President, Health Insurance Lead Distributor, PA.