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  • Android
  • Android Development
  • Android API
  • Android Game Development
  • Android Programming
  • Android SDK
  • API Development
  • App Development
  • Creative
  • Database Development
  • Design
  • Framework Design
  • Java
  • Programming
  • Software Development

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  • Android developer

    $15/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am an excellent android developer I know how to make applications with a large number of api. I know how to combine different programming languages (for creating databases and administering for example)...

    AndroidAndroid APIAndroid DevelopmentAndroid Game DevelopmentAndroid Programming


Android developer

I am an excellent android developer I know how to
make applications with a large number of api.
I know how to combine different programming
languages (for creating databases and
administering for example).
I can connect a lot of frameworks and different
I can make a simple and intuitive design or
integrate an already complete.

Work Terms

I can work 6-8 hours a day, pay from $ 5 per hour.
-I am an excellent android developer I know how
to make applications with a
-large number of api.
-I know how to combine different programming
languages (for creating databases and
administering for example).
Ambitious, curious and passionate about
-I am familiar with Android frameworks and SDKs.
-I can write clean and object-oriented Java code.
-Programming best practices and standards are
important to me.
-I am familiar with Android debugging tools.
-I am an expert in the field of Android Studio.
-I am familiar with reactive programming and the
use of libraries such as RxJava / RxAndroid.
-I am familiar with the implementation of REST
APIs and the use of libraries such as Retrofit .
-I don't mind communicating with customers.
-I can propose solutions to solve complex
-I can collaborate with UI/UX team to improve
user experience on devices with different screen
-I am stay up-to-date with new technology trends.