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  • Business Mathematics
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  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Tutor
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  • Maths Teacher and Curriculum Associate

    $15/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    P3 - S3 Teacher Experience in teaching both offline and online Singapore classes. Host many events to attract more students to engage in learning. Supported and helped students to prepare and get high...

    Business MathematicsEnglish LanguageMathematicsMathematics TutorTeaching


P3 - S3 Teacher
Experience in teaching both offline and online Singapore classes. Host many events to attract more students to engage in learning. Supported and helped students to prepare and get high prizes in many different international examinations: ASMO, IKMC, SASMO (6 Gold prizes in 2023),... Contributed to creating questions and curriculum for Geniebook. Suggested the most effective way for students to learn and clear instruction when solving questions. Training teaching skills for TAs in Mathematics.

Secondary Mathematics Tutor
Teaching students with lessons combined Singapore Curriculum and Cambridge Curriculum. Be a nice friend and share knowledge with students as much as possible, create a good schedule, and plan for students to absorb effectively. Understand ways to improve students' logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Develop the curiosity of students about Maths and give them happiness when solved the problems successfully.
Get high school in IGCSE test.
Highschool-entrance Exam Tutor
Teaching friends and others who prepared examination for Highschool. Teaching all Maths, English and Literature and reaching the average results of them was 45/50. Find out the keys and types of questions to create trial tests for friends. Help them get the pattern of each type and the way to deal with it. Recognize knowledge which was not absorbed, simplify the difficult knowledge by figuring out examples to re-teach them and fix their problems.

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