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Total Feedback Received: 1

  • Ghana · Mar 30, 2015

    Working with Roars for my project is being great experience so far. Project is not completed yet so really can't write about technical part . The team are great ,Easy to communicate ,1. Suzanne gathered my rough ideas and coordinate with paul it took little time however , They turn with great deal and wireframe with project manager Vijya . Vijay does not hesitate to take advise or give advice when necessary which is helping me a lot . Rinkesh is involved directly for wire framing part I can see for comment and feedback so, I can see how seriously they are taking part of it . I will write my experience how we go when whole projects complete .

    for Develop and design website in wordpress.


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    Please view Sandro video

    Sandro - Qponista

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    Alvin Hysong

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    Quote Please watch video here.

    Rakesh Kumar - Jasper Wireless

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    Working with the team at RTPL, has been a very positive experience. Rinkesh was always able to take rough ideas and turn them into quality deliverable. The team was very responsive to our design and development needs. When there were concerns, they were quickly addressed. Working with a company that

    is offshore from the US and on a completely different time zone can be a major concern – but not when working with Roars Technologies Pvt. Ltd. I received better service from this team than I have with teams right across town. Thank you for helping Better Parenting University achieve our development goals.

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    Brian, Better Parenting University

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    It is a true pleasure to work with Rinkesh and his team at Roars Technologies Pvt. Ltd.They continue to provide us excellent work, within our required deadlines, and always exceeding our expectations. At first when considering to work with a partner in India we were concerned about communication. Ro

    ars Technologies Pvt. Ltd. quickly proved our assumptions incorrect and have far surpassed all our expectations. We communicate daily, with clear understanding and accurate comprehension of our projects. They truly are a valuable part of our technology team. - See more at:

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    Eric Roach, President Interlincx Media Corp.

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    I cooperate with roars for 7 years now. We have already planned and implemented many projects together here in Germany - now its time to make a recommendation because the guys make a really good job out there! I myself a programmer and web-developer but sometimes its better to have a good team on my

    side to realize more complex and bigger projects at time: in that case roars is 100% my "go to" company. I can't say enough about the professionalism and vast technical knowledge their team possesses on multiple levels. Because of the long and positive experience with roars, especially with programming and development of complex applications, I highly recommend it! I hope my review helps in choosing the right company!

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    Milos Mandic- Germany