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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • George 584 · Jun 07, 2019

    My first project for Richard was building a XAML-based mockup using WPF and some C# in a Visual Studio development environment. Richard is highly knowledgeable about WPF, XAML and quickly build me my mock up application based on my Excel-based wire frame user interface specification. He proved to be fast and efficient at XAML coding and highly methodical, responsive to my feedback. All in all a professional who is a joy to work with. Definitely recommended.

    for Create Mockup app in VS with XAML, WPF

  • Mike_Macchiarella · Dec 01, 2016

    The developer did a fantastic job. The project was extremely complex and Richard handled it with no problem. The program(s) work beautifully. I highly recommend this developer and will definitely use him again in the future

    for Program that Collects Data from Yelp