Banner Image

Total Feedback Received: 4

  • Chad_Hart · Jan 19, 2004

    Ricki is on time all the time, a pure fantasy for most designers, I highly recommend!

    for Banner Ads

  • Chad_Hart · Jan 05, 2004

    Ricki got everything done within specs on our banner ad. I'd offer a recommendation for very timely response & a finished product.

    for Banner Ads

  • Stephen_Everman · Jul 28, 2003

    Ricki has been wonderful. Not only is she really knowledgeable, but she is very sweet also. I am in the adult field and it is not often that you find honest, kind; helpful people who are not out to rip you off. I really can not say enough good things about Ricki. She took us from obscurity to top 10 on a lot of the search engines. But, I have to stop parsing her now, because if I say too many more you might hire her and then she might not have enough time left to work for us.

    for Web Site Traffic Development, Beyond The