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Total Feedback Received: 7

  • Dave_Collins · Nov 28, 2006

    Marina went well beyond our expectations, taking ownership in the process and getting our group to provide the neccessary information requierd to complete th work. I highly recommend her.

    for System and function documentation

  • Dave_Collins · Nov 20, 2006

    Marina had a 2 week timeframe to collect all the existing documentation (outdated of course), format it in the form and format the customer required (goverment requirements), and review the content with thew original project team to ensure content validity. Marina took this process on, communicated daily and insured our timelines were met, allowing us to focus on other projects. Marina is a consumate profeessional and will work with her again when the chance arises.

    for System and function documentation

  • MMXIII · Aug 18, 2006

    She applies every effort to match my demand. Works independantly. It is always a pleasure for me to work with her.

    for Creative Editing

  • MMXIII · Aug 18, 2006

    Marina is a trusted professional. I will recommend her highly.

    for Creative Editing

  • MMXIII · Jun 18, 2006

    I am impressed with the caliber of the work of Marina. She is detail oriented, a perfectionist and goes beyonds her duty to do the necessary research in Hong Kong too. Her devotion to my 2013 project as it was her own is completely genuine if you consider that we are an ocean apart. This is a true professional that I can recommend to anybody and everybody. john - Founder of Destiny 2013

    for Creative Editing

  • MMXIII · Jun 07, 2006

    Marina is a pleasure to work with. She is very knowlegeable, pays great attention to details and exceeds my expectation in every regard. I am extremely impressed by her dedication to my project, she really takes it as if it was her own. And her willingness to share with me her valuable thoughts and opinions. Working with her in this project is really a learning process for me. I recommend her highly.

    for Creative Editing

  • MMXIII · May 29, 2006

    Marina, even though we are still in the process of finishing the project I find that you are a professional with great integrity. The quality of your input to my project is already notable. And above all else, I really appreciate of your understanding of my busy travel schedule and of your patience in me. I am really very over-worked. Thank you sincerely for your effort so far and for your kind sympathy. You've made me very comfortable about my project already. I am sure we will come up with a very compelling piece of work. This message is not directed to you alone, but to all prospective employer that is looking for a solid professional. [Kindly just call me 'John' all the time.]

    for Creative Editing