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Total Feedback Received: 2


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    He understood exactly what I wanted and gave it to me. Very stylish designs and also does a lot of research to make sure the work is perfect. I’ll recommend him not only because his work is good but he is easygoing. He listens to you, they co-operate & communicated.

    Benoit Marcell

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    It was my second time working with Shubham. He finished the project within the given time. Even if I don't explain to him the design I want, he knows exactly what style of design I want. I will definitely work again with him on future projects.

    Sang Hyun Yan

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    He did really nice work. He has really fast hands. He finished our new website design in the given time. They always responded quickly and has a really good sense of design. I will rehire him for future projects for sure.

    John Kim

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    It's been over a year that Shubham is providing us with IT Development Services and he is very satisfied with the kind of work they have accomplished. The quality of service was the best and amazing the support was provided post completion of projects. he is very cooperative and always delivers what

    is promised.

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    Rudra Ghodke