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Total Feedback Received: 1

  • wallstr · Nov 21, 2009

    Himanshu and Manoj are great. They are very hard working and understand my needs. They built a fully functional web based CRM from scratch for me and continue to make updates to make this better everyday they also intergraded credit card payments and Paypal for my customers to pay for invoices. These guys got it done for a reasonable price and quick. Thanks again!!!

    for CRM for Maid Business


  • Quote

    Himanshu and Manoj are great. They are very hard working and understand my needs. They built a fully functional web based CRM from scratch for me and continue to make updates to make this better everyday they also intergraded credit card payments and Paypal for my customers to pay for invoices. Thes

    e guys got it done for a reasonable price and quick. Thanks again!!!

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    James Bello (