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  • CSS
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • HTML5
  • Python
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Development


  • Python & Django Software Development

    $50/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Looking to have software developed in Python? Enjoy the benefits of an easy to maintain codebase with code written cleanly, annotated properly, and to Python's PEP8 standards. Let's discuss your needs;...

    DjangoDjango Rest FrameworkPython
  • Web Site Development

    $50/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    For years I've handled all aspects of website development - from initial design and usability, to coding and development, all the way to SEO for search engine rankings. As a result, I have a keen understanding...

    CSSHTML5Responsive Web DesignWeb DesignWeb Development


Always looking for the next challenge.

As a web designer and digital marketer turned software developer I understand more about your projects than just how the code works.

As a result, often times I'm able to provide feedback that helps shape the overall usability of your application - rather than just the quality of the code behind it.

Writing quality, testable, readable code is important to me - and it should be for you as well. As a result, if constraints don't allow for proper development, I won't bid.

Why should you care about "proper" development? It is exactly what helps zap bugs before they become stressful issues and churns code that can be easily modified later as your needs expand (as they almost always do!).

Work Terms

I'm a bit new to and looking to get my feet wet here (and my feedback up!), so I'm negotiable. Toss me an interesting project, and let's get to work!