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  • Development of investment strategies

    $50/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Работая консультантом по инвестициям и бизнесу более 10 лет, я очень хорошо разбираюсь в практических вопросах, связанных с инвестициями и бизнесом.    Информация также будет полезна любому участнику...

    Blog CommentingBusiness CommunicationsBusiness ContentBusiness DevelopmentBusiness Plan Development
  • Investor questions to the project

    $50/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Вы получите список вопросов, которые финансовые учреждения, бизнес-ангелы и венчурные капиталисты часто задают владельцам проекта или бизнеса, когда они рассматривают возможность финансирования вашего...

    AdvertisingBlog CommentingBusiness ContentBusiness PartnerBusiness Plan Development


Who moves with time is always ahead.

Creation and management of information and business projects on the Internet.

Directions that are confirmed by experience:

1. Projects related to investments.
2. Projects in the field of logistics and international transportation.
3. Projects related to real estate.
4.Other information products and media on request.

Consultations in the field of investments and business.
Experience 25 years.

What questions and tasks can we consider?

For investors.

Investment advice :

1. Operating business.

2. Investment projects.

3. Start Up projects.

4. Real estate.

5. Cryptocurrency.

6. Stock market, IPO.

7. Other assets.


Risk assessment , analysis of provided information .

Selection of projects, purchase of a business.

Formation of an investment portfolio.

If necessary, support and control of projects.

Organization of international business, search for partners, registration of international companies, search for commercial and residential real estate.

Legal support.

Geography of projects:

CIS countries, Europe.


For owners of Start Up and investment projects.

Consultations :

1.Search for funding.

2.Search for partners and business angels.

3. Analysis of the project for investment attractiveness, risk assessment and economics.

4. Discussion of the concept of promoting information about the project on the Internet and specialized media.

5. Sale of business.


1. Development of business plans and commercial offers.

2. Legal support.

3. Promotion of projects on the international and regional market.

4. Development of project presentations.

5. Search for foreign partners, creation of joint ventures.

Geography of funding search:

CIS countries, Europe.

Work Terms

Remote work in writing in the required language.
Payment is hourly or for the entire specific volume.

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