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  • App Development
  • C++
  • Cloud Computing
  • Coding
  • Data Management
  • Engineering
  • Firewalls
  • Linux Programming
  • Mobile Development
  • Networking
  • Python
  • ReactJS
  • Software Development
  • Systems Engineering
  • Team Management


  • Building efficient systems as a passion

    $28/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As a freelance contractor, I drove continual improvement to system architecture by refactoring old legacy code. Collaborated with product and engineering team members to define and develop new product...

    App DevelopmentC++Cloud ComputingCodingData Management


Creative professional with extensive project experience from concept to development. Talents include system architecture design, software engineering and project management skills.

As a freelance contractor, I drove continual improvement to system architecture by refactoring old legacy code. Collaborated with product and engineering team members to define and develop new product concepts. Managed the road map for product design and development, while supervising the work of other software engineers.

I have been passing thru the low level settings of software architecture to the upper layers of UX/UI. I enjoy building systems, starting at the ground, up to the layer of user interaction. From C++ or Java, properly handling and understanding threads and memory management, going thru Python, Node, PHP, Bash, Firewalls or Network management, Linux nunchucking and a full orchestration of languages and technologies, implementing different paradigms and coding practices, such as micro services cloud infrastructure using Docker and Firebase, functional and lambda programming. In order to make this a real tangible thing, I end up developing fully functional mobile apps and websites using React, React Native, Angular, along with the companion of rock solid technologies to manage states and actions, such as RxJS, Mobx and Redux.

On the other side, I am continuously getting up to date on data mining, deep learning and artificial intelligence subjects because I love to move the bits to convert them into significant pieces of information.

This is a list of some of the technologies I love and do:

- Angular
- node
- Javascript
- Typescript
- Python (Pandas, SciKit-learn, numpy, etc)
- React, React Native, ReactXP
- Mobx, RxJS, Redux, Saga, Reselect
- Meteor
- Ionic
- C++
- Java
- Objective-C
- Android, iOS
- Bootstrap, Material, Native Base
- Less, SCSS, CSS
- Net
- C#
- R
- Mongo
- Redis
- SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- And many more...

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