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  • Article Writing
  • Comic Writing
  • Screen & Script Writing
  • Writing


  • Writer/Reviewer

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Wrote reviews for upcoming television, movies, events, and music. Television and movie reviews are based on quality, story format, plausibility, and actor portrayal. Music reviews are based on quality,...

    Article Writing
  • Monologue Writer

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Wrote monologues for the use of a talent agent in California for his clients. Monologues must show deep emotion, passion, action, and a plausible storyline within a 50-90 minute time span.

    Screen & Script Writing
  • Writer, Comics

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Wrote 130 line scripts for the Nora Series, a comic book series based on the spiritual life of an eleven-year-old girl named Nora. Storyline written in a problem/solution format for a 9-14 year old age...

    Comic WritingWriting


Let's write what people want to read, making a reader one project at a time!

I was a comic book script writer for a faith based comic book company that were based on the spiritual life of an eleven-year-old girl. Scripts are based off Bible verses chosen by the company and the storylines were written in a problem/solution format for a 9-14 year old age range.

I was also writer/ reviewer a website which posts television, movie, and music reviews. I have written audition monologues for a talent agent. The monologues had to show deep emotion, passion, action, and a plausible storyline within a 50-90 minute time span.

Lastly, I worked with a non-profit scholarship organization, editing some of the educational publications published and assisting with writing summaries for the various scholarship programs the organization administered, and assisting with the video production and distribution of the organization's television series. I also conducted research for the organization's yearly award and compiled biographical information for review by the Executive Board.

Work Terms

E-mail is perferred method of contact. Rates negociable.

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