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  • Circuit Design
  • Design
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Pvsyst
  • Solar Energy
  • Algorithms
  • Analytics
  • Data Analysis
  • Energy Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Microsoft
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Simulation Modeling
  • Statistical Analysis


  • Solar PV systems designer and installer

    $20/hr Starting at $40 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    l am an experienced solar photovoltaic systems designer and installer. The systems that l can design scale up to 50 kilowatts. Using design softwares like PVSyst, HelioScope and Homer l can simulate my...

    Circuit DesignDesignElectrical EngineeringEnergy EngineeringEngineering
  • Microsoft Excel

    $15/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am proficient with Microsoft Excel and l can create various designs as deemed by the client. A basic example of a program that can be created in Excel is a scholl class grades compiler. This compiler...

    AlgorithmsAnalyticsData AnalysisDesignMicrosoft


I am a fuels and energy engineer. My field of study covers aspects of various academic fields which include: eletrical engineering, programming, mechanical engineering, material engineering and petroleum engineering. With field that l am more interested in is the renewable energy field. when l am not working l enjoy playing soccer and reading.

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