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Senior Web Developer and Linux Administrator

Over the last 15 years, I have developed a wide range of websites using HMTL, DHTML, ASP, PHP, CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Os-commerce, Zencart) and MySQL including sites for startup companies and small businesses. My core competency lies in complete end-end management of a new website development project, and I am seeking opportunities to build websites from the ground up for you or your business.

My area of expertise covers all Linux distributions and all common unix software (but not only) like: LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP), mail services (postfix, exim, dovecot, horde, spamassassin etc.), TCP/IP, DNS, firewall, bash scripting, backup, high load configurations, security filters, control panels (Plesk, cPanel/WHM, Virtualmin, webmin), PowerMTA, JIRA, Stash, Confluence, Fisheye, Bamboo, WHMCS, SolusVM, AppLogic, AWS, EC2, Auto Scaling, Clustering, Replication etc. In my over 15 years of experience, I have worked with various operating systems and I have encountered many different situations (high loads, web attacks, spam, resource balancing etc.).