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python, angularJS, NLP, ML

I'm a Python programmer with strong background in natural language processing, bioinformatics, and machine learning. Currently I'm interested in development of Google App Engine applications (GAE) or Flask applications in Python on backend and AngularJS/Bootstrap on frontend. I'm very interested in any projects related to NLP or bioinformatics And I've an experience with creating GAE based backends for games or desktop applications (e.g. PyQT based).

My current area of expertise:

* Python
* GAE, Tipfy, Web2Py, Django
* Django
* Flask
* PyQT
* HTML, CSS, JS, Ajax
* Bootstrap
* AngularJS
* Flash/Flex/as3
* data visualisation
* information extraction
* natural language processing
* bioinformatics
* machine learning
* text parsing
* data scrapping
* amazon EC2, S3, Hadoop
* Google Apps Script