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PHP, Android&IOS Developer

I'm developer with more than 5+ year experience, who is found of doing great apps for iOS(iPhone & iPad) and Android.

IOS : 5+ years of experience in iOS app development, I have strong expertise in front-end and back-end.I can make 100% responsive, pixel perfect and App Store friendly App for you. I have developed 100+ apps in iTunes App Store Languages: Objective-C, Swift, 3rd party API integration: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Tumblr, Dropbox, Google APIs (maps,places...), Instagram, Stripe, QuickBooks, KNet, XMPP, etc...
SQLite, CoreData, CoreImage, CoreAnimation, AVFoundation, CoreTelephony, CoreLocation, CoreGraphics, AssetsLibrary, GLKit, iAD, AddressBook, Social, SpriteKit, etc.

Android : 5+ years of experience in Android app development, I am proficient and capable to develop any type of customized Android Application. I have developed 100+ apps in Google Play Store and in Amazon App Store.
Language : Java.
Database : SQLite

PHP : 5+ years, extensive knowledge of OOP, In the past, I have worked on various core PHP projects involving CMS development from scratch, Web scraping, Custom portals etc.
Databases: SQL: MySQL, MSSQL, SSIS, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Interbase, NoSQL: MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB.

I'm fluent of different programming languages:

Work Terms
