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You want what and when... okay, let's do it.

A few years ago, it got into my head to live the rest of my life as an adventure.

Well... I moved from Australia, and now I'm living in Thailand with my lovely wife - the love of my life.

It was a Friday night three weeks before Christmas 2009. It was late, I was tired, and I was frustrated. Lamenting that there's got to be a better way to do life.

Going through emails, I happened to click on some blue writing. And up popped a page like I've never seen before. That voice inside said, 'I'm going to do this. Except I didn't know what 'this' is.

I was okay with emails. But what are these things, websites, and the internet? Must be from Mars.

Well... that started a journey of learning through Cyberspace. Mine was a traditional brick and mortar business background. But in Cyberspace there are no signposts and directions. Nor fence posts and boundaries. I was yet to learn about those other posts. Which grow on blogs.

I've learned at least two things along the way. Persistence pays, and those that get ahead are life long learners. That also requires a change in direction or many.

And there are the traps and pitfalls called Scams, that feed on a diet of money.

So, anyway, here I am. At my writer's desk, in our living room, with the doors wide open overlooking the sign 'Open for Business'.

Because we want the money to fund the rest of our adventures.

Work Terms

I have never had any intention of retiring. I'm wired to work, be active and productive.

Most people work Monday through Friday and don't work Saturday and Sunday. Not for me. Each of those days has a name. So that they can tell the difference.

For me, when the work is there to be done, that day is called Workday.

So, my workstation is open for business. Except when I'm sleeping.