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I have game development experience for 8+ years (C++, C#, Unity, Cocos2d-x) from awarded game to unknown indie game.

And I've been a full-time indie game developer since 2014. This experience extend my skills, not just programming but also, on Game Design, Product Management, Marketing and so on.

- C++14, C#, Scala, Lua
- Object Oriented Programming, Data Driven Programming, Data Oriented Design
- Unity3D, cocos2d-x, Godot, libGDX
- Android Development Toolchain, iOS Development Toolchain
- OpenGL, Wwise, Pure Data, Box2D, Bullet
- Dependency Injection, ReactiveX, Unit Test, Functional Test
- Flatbuffers, Protocol Buffers, XML, YAML, JSON
- Firebase, Admob, Flurry, Google Analytics, Crashlytics, Push Notification, In-App Purchase
- Play Test, AB Test
- Git, Perforce, Mercurial, SVN
- Github, Bitbucket, Slack, Agile
- Visual Studio, Xcode, Intellij IDEA, Vim