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Be my Director

Valued Customers:

Over the past four years I have designed audio visual displays for web sites and social media. My professional history spans over twenty years with experience* in procurement of feature film, television and audio visual staging. My proprietorship (Northern Video Works) creates video promotion for use on line. Clients advertise and demonstrate products.
Currently Northern Video Works has been commissioned by cottage industry, retailers and the auto industry to produce on line video presentations.

I have provided audio visual serves to four Prime Ministers of Canada (Mulroney, Chretien, Martin, J.Trudeau) two international leaders (Benjamin Netanyahu, Joseph Estrada) and others of distinction (Bill Gates, Jerry Seinfeld, Queen Elizabeth II).

I believe my skill and experience will be of value to you. I will make a valued and experienced specialty contracted associate.

Brad Moore

* (87-91 years DGC)

Work Terms


Digital editing (Final Cut) $30 CD*

Shooting with equipment $40 hr. CD* plus travel

Voiceover (in 16 bit wave format) $25 hr. CD*

Graphics $25 hr. CD*

Animation Creation $50 hr. CD*

Writing $50 hr. CD*

* Canadian Dollar base on daily rate exchange

Attachments (Click to Preview)